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Our Services & Pricing



SOLUS DELIVERY (Door to door)


A solus delivery would mean your Leaflet being delivered alone with no other competition so therefore the household of which it is delivered is receiving full attention of your brand and you have full control of the area's covered. The pricing is as follows:


Starting from Only £80.00 per thousand leaflets



SHARED DELIVERY (Door to door)


We also offer a shared delivery which is a more cost effective route to take, your leaflet would be shared with other non-competitive leaflets. Area must be flexible.

The Prices would be as follows:-


Only £35.00 per thousand leaflets.

10,000+ Leaflets - Only £25.00 per thousand.




We offer a business to business delivery which consists of posters/leaflets/magazines being distributed in shops around town or wherever you may need. Prices do vary so please contact us for more information.




We also offer a street delivery also known as a hand-to-hand delivery for busy town centre/city centre locations. Prices start from £20 per hour.


Full Payment is due on collection of leaflets before distribution takes place.


On completion of leaflets being distributed a map of the areas/streets can be provided please just let us know if this is something you require :)


Prices above may change depending on area, for example Wynyard as it is over a much larger area.





*Disclaimer, whilst we endeavour to deliver to every house within the areas selected, human error can occur.  Please see our testimonials to see how happy our clients are with our service.

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